
How To Do Coral Frags Right

During my time in the hobby things have changed dramatically. Most of us started off with soft corals, and these were usually large wild colonies, which is a dramatic difference from the SPS fragments (frags) that many of us now…

DIY Chaetomorpha Reactors Are All The Rage Right Now!

Intentionally injecting fine bubbles into a reef tank is a highly questionable endeavor, but one current craze I can totally get behind is the huge wave of DIY Chaetomorpha reactors reefers are building to lower nutrients in their reef tanks. Unlike the…


Simplify your aquarium maintenance routine and keep your protein skimmer running at peak performance with an automatic neck cleaner! Protein Skimmers are an essential piece of equipment for running a saltwater aquarium. Skimmers remove organic compounds from your tank. As the skimmer works these…

Dial In Your Protein Skimmer With An Airflow Meter!

As many things as we love to measure in our reef tanks, it’s mind boggling to me that we don’t regular measure airflow on our skimmers. It was about a decade ago that skimmers started coming with an air silencer…

Zeagle Zena BCD Comes In All The Colors
Zeagle Zena The Zena is a popular woman’s BCD made by Zeagle, which is designed for comfort and balance. What’s different about the Zeagle Zena is the front of the BCD has two small woven panels which zip together as…
Reef Octopus Regal Series Skimmers

Regal Skimmers The Reef Octopus series Regal skimmers (Regal-S) is an in-sump protein skimmer and a perfect fit for aquariums with limited sump space. The Regal-S skimmers features high-quality acrylic body construction with easy disassembly for maintenance, and a hybrid…

ESHOPPS’ Royale 400 Multi Chamber Sump

Royale 400 ESHOPPS’ introduces a new multi chamber sump rated for tanks up to 450 gal. The new Royal 400 sump is designed with simplicity and features sufficient, usable sump area to accommodate skimmers, pumps, and aquarium devices. You can…

Basic Water Testing—Nitrates And Phosphates

Water Testing Testing your water isn’t the most exciting part of reefkeeing, but it is an important weekly ritual. Without water testing, it is difficult to know what’s happening in your aquarium and what corrections you can make to create…

Looking Forward To The Future Of The Aquarium Hobby

Things I’m Looking Forward To While going through some old books and magazines I came across a poster for MACNA from over twenty years ago, it made me laugh as the topic of my talk was “The Future of the…

Zen Reef’s Newest Frag Rack is a Versitile Box For Shrooms

The new Zen Reef standalone Shroom Box is a unique frag box just for mushroom corals. This solves one of the biggest issues with keeping shroom frags, having them get blown away before they can grow or attach themselves in…