
RVS Fishworld需要稍微挖掘刹车,因为它们正在钓鱼杂种和异常鱼,因此经常开始使它们看起来很普遍!就在上周,我们不得不将四个不同的奇怪球融入一个…

Four Very Rare & Unique Specimens from RVS Fishworld

通常,当我们分享来自RVS Fishworld的令人兴奋的鱼时,我们很乐意一次配备一个标本,但是本周我们有四个独特的标本要告诉您。其中三个是我们以前出现的鱼类,但是…

RVS Fishworld用野生的Acanthurus Supperhon Fish Fish Thumworld stump我们

When you handle as many fish as RVS Fishworld does, especially within the Filipino region of the Coral triangle, you’re bound to come up with some real rare oddballs and hybrids. Today we learned that their network of fisherman have…

Powder Blue Tangs & Emperor Angelfish: Two Common Fish That New Reefkeepers Should Avoid

Reefkeeping is a paradox. We set up an aquarium to display all the wonderful diversity of the tropical oceans, only to be told that we can’t keep the vast majority of species in our tanks. I help out in my LFS on Saturdays and the following two species are probably the two that people ask me for and point out the most, only for me to deliver the grim news that they can’t have them. And here’s why.


The powder blue tang is so named because of its sky blue body coloration, which is a different shade than other blue surgeonfish, most notably the regal blue tang, AKA Dory. Well apparently this is not the full evolution of…

TSM Corals获得了最好的Goldrim Achilles混合动力车之一

One thing we love about hybrids between certain species of fish is how variable their appearance can develop. Sometimes the colors of hybrids ‘cancel’ each other out leading, to an interesting but dull fish, but other times the colors compound…

This is One Incredible Yellowfin Surgeonfish

There are over 80 species of surgeonfish but the aquarium hobby is dominated by yellow tangs, blue tangs, purple, koles, powder blues and just a few others. But there’s a whole world of tangs and surgeonfish that are barely represented…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Acanthurus triostegus

Acanthurus triostegus – Convict Tang By: Greg Collinske The convict tang is one of the most widespread Acanthurus species in the world as well as in our hobby. Found throughout the Indo-Pacific and Hawaii in small groups to enormous schools, these successful…

Say Hello to Acanthurus albimento, the White Chin Surgeonfish

Acanthurus albimento is a very rare new species of surgeonfish from the northwestern Philippines. The new species of Acanthurus is known by the common name of white chin surgeonfish due to a white patch covering most of the lower jaw. The white…


We love big showy pet fish, especially large adult surgeonfish that are in somebody else’s aquarium so we don’t have to go broke trying to feed them. Usually the place to go to see large resident marine aquarium fish is at…