CYANO Is A New Dive Computer From Korea

The CYANO is a new dive computer that has been popping up at dive and leisure shows across Korea since the start of 2017. CYANO is a wrist-worn dive computer that looks like a carbon copy of an apple watch, peppered with bluetooth social…

Red Slime Stain Remover NANO makes dosing easier

For those battling the dreaded cyanobacteria also known as red slime algae, you have probably come across products like Red Slime Stain Remover. To make the process of dosing easier for, the company will be releasing Red Slime Stain Remover…

BGA Battle Plan: Controlling Cyanobacteria in Saltwater Aquariums

You’re relaxing in front of your saltwater aquarium, enjoying the beautiful undersea vista you’ve created when you notice a few red, algae-like patches on your live rock that weren’t there before. You reach into the tank and give one of…