What is a True Platygyra Maze Brain Coral?

Despite what they are being called, most maze brain corals in the reef aquarium hobby are not actually Platygyra at all, but a different and distinctive species called Paragoniastrea australiensis or Paragon coral for short. The reasons for the misidentification are too numerous…

Learn To Spot Meandering Coral

Meandering Coral Growth Form Meandering corals are next up on our list of coral growth forms. Meandering is just another word for brain corals as the long meandering walls and valleys looks like a brain! There are many different species…

Platygryra Fusion When Colonies Collide

When unrelated corals and colonies grow into each other on the reef, one of three things tend to happen; Coral A kills Coral B, Coral A overgrows Coral B, or they simply come to a mutual standstill. These two different Platygyra scribbled brain…

These Two Brain Corals Have Been Duking It Out For A Thousand Years

As long-living creatures, coral colonies that grow very large have the potential to tell us a lot about the past. This is especially true of large, massive stony corals which include colonies that grow for hundreds and even thousands of…