Unique Scopas Tang is a Looker Even With No Tail

Tail less fish are surprisingly more common in saltwater fish than you would think but this kind of amputation doesn’t seem to bother certain fish like the gorgeous near-adult scopas tang pictured here. This disabled Zebrasoma scopas was collected in the…

First Gem X Scopas Hybrid Tang Collected from Madagascar

The gem x scopas tang hybrid that RVS Fishworld just showed off may not be the first one the aquarium hobby has ever seen, but it is the first one from Madagascar. Much like the circled dragonet we featured a…

This Yellow Scopas Koi is Turning Into a Dirty Bird

Rare fish fanciers will probably be well aware of the large aberrant Zebrasoma scopas that are frequently collected in the Maldives and in western Indonesia that are known as Koi Scopas tangs in the aquarium hobby. But it is less…


For every aberrant koi tang we feature here at Reef Builders, we’re bombarded by about six more from around the globe. To the point where we weren’t even going to feature this fish, based just on its looks and high…

Anubis Tang is Probably the Rarest Surgeonfish Ever

We’ve been following Anubis, the one-off purple scopas tang hybrid, for almost a year now. Despite its radical juvenile appearance, we initially thought that the Purple X Scopas tang would lose its appeal as it grows. But we are glad…

Black and white Penguin tang is the latest aberrant Scopas to appear

Reefbuilders is the home of saltwater color morphs and has covered more koi, calico, yellow and piebald Scopas tangs than anyone else. So let us introduce you to our next example of polychromatism in Zebrasoma scopas, the Bicolor.

Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya

Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…

Awesome Fish Spotlight! Super Xanthic, Yellow Scopas Tang Shows Up In Indonesia

Following the hype on the multicolored aberrant or Koi scopas tangs that showed up in the last few years, our friends at Bali Aquarium scored a very nice Super-Xanthic Yellow Scopas Tang this week. Unlike the aberrant Scopas tang that…

Two Crazy Piebald Scopas Tang Join The World Wide Corals Family

Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family. …

第一个好最新的邪恶的彩色k的照片oi scopas tang

The wicked koi scopas tang is alive and well in the United States and we’ve got the first pictures of this fish from an actual camera. The nearly one-of-a-kind Zebrasoma scopas was conditioned in Jakarta after its collection in Java and…