

  1. don says:

    Keep up the good work guys thanks and keep them coming

  2. 杰夫·库尔兹(Jeff Kurtz) says:


  3. Paul Baldassano says:

    我喜欢泡沫珊瑚。他们可能是简单的t, longest living corals we have available to the home aquarist. As was said, they do much better if you feed them. IMO the best food for these corals and any coral that can eat are clams. I don’t like feeding anything to corals that have shells on them like shrimp as they don’t deal with shells well although they will eat them. Clams are soft and totally edible. (I eat them all the time myself) I feed clams to corals (and the entire tank) with one of these.http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh270/urchsearch/feeders001.jpg
    But a regular turkey baster also works well.

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