Man Illegally collects Ricordea from Puerto Rico worth $90,000 USD

Luis Joel Vargas Martell (Vargas) was the co-owner of a home-based saltwater aquarium business, Carebbean Reefers (spelling error intentional) that also operated online through the EBay store “Redragon1975”. A large part of the business was devoted to the sale of…

Bean Bag Yuma Ricordea is a New Show-Stopping Shroom

“ Bean Bag Yuma”是流行的Ricordea Yuma的有趣色彩,它在色彩方面有些熟悉,但外观却大不相同。自从标志性的WWC弹跳式河流带头的平流层上升以来,…


Ricordeas from both the Atlantic florida and Pacific yuma species have long held a special place in the mindshare of reef keepers for their colors and their unique appearance. Despite their shaggy, long pseudotentacles that makes them resemble a small…


The interest in large showy Ricordea yuma is on the rise and with it, we’re seeing an increase in the number of quality specimens available to the aquarium hobby. But Australia has always been hot for their large ‘Rics’ and coral…

Ricordea yuma Are Still Some Of The Showiest Shrooms In The Hobby

As the reef aquarium hobby has become gripped by the current craze for mushroom anemones or corallimorphs, we’ve seen all different types of these polyps become exalted and highly sought after. Better known as ‘Shrooms’, the Discosoma and Rhodactis have been appearing…

Ricordea florida: an Underappreciated Caribbean Beauty

As an American reefkeeper, it’s all too easy for me to forget that some truly gorgeous invertebrate livestock originates relatively close to home in the tropical western Atlantic and Caribbean. I was reminded of this recently when CC entrusted several…

A rainbow of Ricordea

Florida ricordea, Ricordea floridea, are one of the staple corals that come from the oceans south of my back yard in the Florida Keys. They are a type of soft coral that occur in shallow waters on Caribbean reefs. Generally they…

掠夺性ricordea Yuma在及时的喂养视频中栩栩如生

We are graced today with a second exceptional marine aquarium video, this time featuring a Ricordea chomping on some pelleted coral food. We’ve all seen videos of LPS corals mowing down pelleted food, Scolies are exceptionally fun to do this with since…

Orange beaded Discosoma mushroom anemone is much nicer than a Ricordea impersonator

The awesome ornage-beaded Discosoma mushroom anemone we spotted at Route 66 Marine this weekend is in the same league as that awesome rainbow Discosoma from Vietnam. However, this super sweet orange-beaded Discosoma was imported from Australia, on the base of…

Ricordea shrimp featured in super macro HD video by Coral Morphologic

珊瑚形态的视频不久,他们的围pedermenes pedersoni的视频就会撞到头版页面上,而他们发布了另一个高清宏视频。这次,Coremore继续进行,并分类了仅活着的微型虾虾……