Cirrhilabrus claire trio was invited to America by Quality Marine

Cirrhilabrus claire is one of our all time favorite species of fairy wrasses and lucky for us, it seems like this year might be be a fruitful one for this incredible and exciting fish from the South Pacific. Two years…

A first look at the REAL Cirrhilabrus claire from its type location of the Cook Islands

As I type this, my breath is rapid, and my fingers are bent from random spasmodic twitching. We’ve seen Cirrhilabrus claire before, and a few times now. We’ve even covered it extensively before, but nothing could have prepared us for this.…

Digiman shares his new Pseudanthias rubrolineatus and Cirrhilabrus claire in a video update

Digiman is back with a new tank update showing a glimpse of his exquisite collection once again. Fans of rare fish who follow Reefbuilders often should be familiar with this Singaporean reefer. With an extensive know how of deepwater rare…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus claire like you’ve never seen, up close and in HD

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features what is probably the rarest and least often seen species of Cirrhilabrus currently that has entered the trade. These are some of the clearest pictures of a large stunning alpha male anywhere right now and…

BlueHarbor releases new pictures and videos of Cirrhilabrus claire along with the other deepwater rarities

BlueHarbor released new pictures and videos of their latest haul and here’s a better look at the insanely rare Cirrhilabrus claire. As we’ve mentioned previously, C. claire has never had its live picture featured anywhere before and this pair marks…

Cirrhilabrus克莱尔——第一次住的照片what could be the world’s rarest fairy wrasse

Cirrhilabrus claire is quite possibly the world’s rarest and least known fairy wrasse and holy grail is all but a plastic cup to this species. Since its discovery in 2001, there has only been two dead holotype pictures and absolutely zero…

Cirrhilabrus sanguineus – Red Blotched Fairy Wrasse Collected in Mauritius

Cirrhilabrus sanguineus, the red-blotched fairy wrasse is a very rare, deepwater species of fairy wrasse from the Indian Ocean that we’ve never personally seen in the aquarium trade. A few lonely specimens of Cirrhilabrus sanguineus have made their way to Asia…

4.0 Cirrhilabrus laboutei & the Origins of Fairy Wrasse Diversity

At last, we’ve reached the thrilling conclusion to this comprehensive review of Fairy Wrasse evolution, and it’s time to once more dwell upon the topic of the group’s origins. As we’ve previously discussed, this enormously diverse genus can be comfortably categorized…

Cirrhilabrus squirei gets range extended like a trailing caudal fin

Cirrhilabrus squirei, one of the newest additions to the Fairy Wrasse stable, has until now only been known from a small area on the Great Barrier Reef and one reef in the Coral Sea off North Queensland, Australia. A recent…

A BlueHarbor bounty

Sometimes the hardest things in life isn’t about writing a captivating blog post, but coming up with a suitable title. Don’t let this curt, three worded headline fool you though. We’ve blogged about BlueHarbor’s cornucopia of rare fish so often…