来自中介库拉索(Curacao)新描述的Coryphopterus curasub

Coryphopterus curasub是从库拉科(Curacao)深处描述的最新深水礁鱼。新的Coryphopterus goby物种是深水研究的另一个新发现,现在将其全名包含在…的二项式名称中。

Lipogramma Schrieri和L. barrettorum,两种新的加勒比海bass。

深水巴带是一种不断着迷的来源,并且是对未知鱼类的虚拟源泉。来自这个广泛群体的最新物种是来自南加勒比海的Lipogramma Schrieri和L. barrettorum。我们倾向于松散地对任何生存的鱼类进行分类……


Palatogobius Invendius是一种新的深水加勒比山go,毫不奇怪,在库拉科的中虫礁中发现。但是令人惊讶的是,围绕这种鱼的首次收集方式。新描述的燃烧或消防戈比是…

新物种of deepwater scorpionfish, Scorpaenodes barrybrowni

Scorpaenodes Barrybrowni是加勒比海深水的一种新的漂亮的天蝎鱼。新描述的天蝎座巴里布朗尼(Barrybrowni)在多米尼卡(Dominica)在多米尼加(Dominica)发现,以纪念巴里·布朗(Barry Brown)的名字命名,巴里·布朗(Barry Brown)是库拉斯布(Curasub)和…的成员。

New species of Lipogramma basslet potentially discovered in Dominica

Lipogramma klayi is a beautiful and delicate looking species of Caribbean basslet which is no stranger to the pages of Reef Builders. We’ve written about this species at length over the years and now it seems like it may one…

RV Chapman和Curasub已成功完成了一个月的探险,进入了多米尼加西北海岸深礁的海洋生物学和生态学。这条底层鱼是在他们探险的30天拍摄的……
New Decodon hogfish collected in Dominica

库拉索布(Curasub)造成了许多新发现和库拉科(Curacao)的新物种。作为Smithsonian Deep Reef观察项目(DROP)的一部分,研究人员和Curasub目前都在多米尼加(Dominica)做……

plectranthias sp。库拉科(Curacao)掌握在蓝港(Blue Harbor)的好手中

The new species of Plectranthias that was recently collected from Curacao is probably the first of its kind to make it into a home aquarium. We first featured this fish with a post from Joe Oliver at the source, and…




有很多新物种的描述in the last handful of weeks, and there are lots that can be said about each of them. We’ve covered them all individually but we wanted to bring your attention to…