Cairns Marine从珊瑚海中搅动了另一个令人惊叹的Bodianus Paraleucosticticus

Bodianus paraleucosticticus是一个华丽的一种食用鱼that is far too scarce in the trade. The five-striped hogfish is layered in alternating stripes of salmon pink and white, gradually fading to yellow as it reaches the base and tail region. All hogfishes…

海居民将稀有的Bodianus paraleucosticticus带到美国

五条条纹的霍格鱼,bodianus paraleucosticticus,是一种令人惊叹且稀有的猪鱼,很少能赋予美国土壤。最近,澳大利亚郊外的凯恩斯海军陆战队一直在珊瑚海进行更多的定期游览,以获取五条条纹的异国礁鱼。

MAC certified Bodianus paraleucosticticus from Holmes Reef is a stunning beauty

Bodianus paraleucosticticus是一种罕见且备受追捧的Hogfish,在水族馆现场不会获得太多通话时间。五条条纹的霍格鱼具有较大的范围,从PNG,巴厘岛,帕劳,新喀里多尼亚,瓦努阿图和库克群岛跨越。这个…

Bodianus Masudai和B. paraleucosticticus不是您的普通深水猪鱼

[YouTube宽度=“ 680”高=“ 380”] [/YouTube] Bodianus Masudai和B. leucosticticus是最近出现的两种深水Hog鱼,最近出现为单个标志。来自新加坡的Digiman获得了B. Masudai的美丽标本,在日本水族馆市场以外很少见。这个…

RVS Fishworld收集的斑点Hogfish,Bodianus Rubrisos


Opulent Osaka part 3: Dr. Shimokobe’s deluge of deepwater treasures

We’ve arrived at our third installation of our Osaka recount and if you’re still following, then thank you, and we hope you’ve enjoyed parts 1 and 2. We visited one of our favourite aquarist in Osaka, and we’ve featured his…

礁石建筑商X Cairns Marine:参观该设施

如果您一直在明智地关注我们最近的帖子和我们的Facebook更新,您会知道,几周前,我们最喜欢参观Cairns Marine及其出色的团队。除了参观设施并了解如何…



I see you looking at me, like I’m some kind of freak


Lipropoma tostinum的范围比我们以前认为的范围宽

Liopropoma tostrinum是一种具有相同部分美和稀有性的basslet。看起来与MultineAtum L. Multineatum相似,前者通常是在Palau发现和捕获的,那里提供了少数进入交易的标本。根据…