avast marine

Avast Marine Barrel Tender fills your RO/DI bucket up for you

Avast Marine Barrel Tender is looking to take the hassle out of refilling your RO/DI water reservoir. The Avast Marine Tender utilized a pair of reliable pressure sensors and a smart control unit to start making more water when your…

Avast Marine Diaphragm pump is the mother of all top off pumps

The new diaphragm water pump that Avast Marine has just revealed is the beefiest in the genre we have seen to date. Not since Innovative Marine’s Hydrofill ATO pump have we seen a diaphragm water pump with such high pressure…

Frozen Auto Feeder from Avast Marine confirmed in demo video

Those of you who are big fans of fish tanks and giving them as much of the best frozen food possible will really like this. Avast Marine, purveyor of many of the hobby’s most innovative marine aquarium accessories, is apparently…