Disc Corals

The Unique Corals ’experience’

It has been a great reefing year for me, in that I have set up two new tanks for myself, been to MACNA and all three Reefaploozas and the topper, I have been to the facilities of the four enterprises that…

Crop circle of Fungia fralinae found in Menjangan Island, Indonesia

Fungia is a genus of mushroom or disc coral found throughout the Indo Pacific. Fungia fralinae is a particularly recognizable member of this genus which can be found in bright pink, purple, red and yellow, and some color forms are commonly known as wagon wheel fungia. Fungia corals…

Unseen Corals: Orange Lobactis scutaria sighted at Quality Marine

Orange is one of the most highly sought-after coral colors for the aquarium hobby, we collectively freak out when any type of coral is discovered in orange garb. We’ve featured so many different orange coral ‘firsts’ over the years, including…

The Fragging Phenomenon Part Deux

In 1992, I wrote my first article on the fragmenting of corals, fragging for short. At that time fragging corals was primarily done on soft corals and was done more out of the necessity to preserve the corals we had,…


The notion of discussing stony coral (Scleractinian) taxonomy is probably one that will elicit the blankest of stares. However, if you are hyper passionate about corals, their evolution and especially their relatedness gives us reefers insight to the care requirements,…

Pair of rare orange Cantharellus imported from Fiji

Cantharellus is a genus of Fungiid coral that you’ve probably never heard of, but which is actually kind of really common and widespread on reefs around the world. Whereas the majority of disc corals that we get for our aquariums…

Orange tongue coral is sporting a rainbow of extra color

From this simple picture alone, this is probably one of the most exquisite tongue corals we have ever seen. Sent to us by Eye Catching Coral, the image of this already-rare orange morph of the tongue coral, Herpolitha limax, is double…


If there’s one thing we love about corals the most, it’s that they don’t play by the same rules as other animals. Corals are able to exhibit a whole array of seemingly impossible biological phenomenon, including the ability to be…


If any animal is more worthy of closer scrutiny using macro video, time lapse, and fluorescence exposure, than corals, we don’t know what that creature is. Long time readers of Reef Builders will be familiar with the semi-regular sharing of…

Gurus without tanks: the proof is in the pudding

Throughout the history of the saltwater and reef keeping hobby, many of the ‘thought leaders’ in the hobby shared their success and secrets about their tanks and what they were doing with their fellow hobbyists. Before the internet and social…