
Reefbuilders Travelogue: Corals of the Dominican Republic

After spending last weekend at the Reef-A-Palooza Orlando show we decided to hop on a plane and check out some Caribbean corals in the Dominican Republic. We travelled from the capital city of Santo Domingo around the coast to Punta…

Rainbow Stylocoeniella was THE diamond in the rough of MACNA 2013

Yesterday’s post on the master list of rainbow corals in aquariums was started in part by our visit to the World Wide Corals Farm. But that write up got us asking coral people if there is such a thing as a…

Beautiful colony of rare Madracis spotted at World Wide Corals

As the coral enthusiasts that we are, we live for the rare, the unusual, and the corals that are otherwise challenging to identify. Case in point is this super neat Madracis coral that we spied at the World Wide Corals Farm…