SPS Corals

East1’s 1.5 gallon SPS tank is the swankiest pico reef to date

Since the volumes associated with a ‘true’ pico reef is quite restrictive, we tend to think of pico reef tanks as examples of simplicity, and exercises in minimalism. Somehow, Nano-Reef forum user East1 failed to read that memorandum and charted…

Giant Pavona clavus in Japan is over three stories tall!

帕沃纳clavus is a stout species of Pavona that is known to develop into huge colonies in the wild, but divers in Japan have documented the mother of all colonies, and perhaps one of the largest colonies of stony coral ever…

Gurus without tanks: the proof is in the pudding

Throughout the history of the saltwater and reef keeping hobby, many of the ‘thought leaders’ in the hobby shared their success and secrets about their tanks and what they were doing with their fellow hobbyists. Before the internet and social…

Caribbean Coral Reefs used to be made up of fields of coral

The concept of shifting baselines is an important one in reef ecology which basically describes how successive generations of researchers have their own ideas of what constitutes a healthy or a natural reef. Nowhere is this concept more important than…

前7个彩虹SP和Acropora Corals

As stated in a previous post on rainbow corals, a plethora of colors are not too difficult to find in the LPS corals of today. It is evident that this is an exciting time to be in the marine aquarium hobby. What…


When I first came across this aquarium, it caught my eyes for a variety of reasons. First and foremost was the variety of color in its inhabitants. Next is the fact that it is a room divider (something I’ve always…

Rainbow Stylocoeniella was THE diamond in the rough of MACNA 2013

Yesterday’s post on the master list of rainbow corals in aquariums was started in part by our visit to the World Wide Corals Farm. But that write up got us asking coral people if there is such a thing as a…

Rainbow Corals: The Master Aquarium List

Twenty years ago, “mini reef hobbyists” were lucky to get corals in a particularly juicy shade of brown, and if they were lucky there might be a hint of green in an elegance coral or trachyphyllia. But this is 2015…

Beautiful colony of rare Madracis spotted at World Wide Corals

As the coral enthusiasts that we are, we live for the rare, the unusual, and the corals that are otherwise challenging to identify. Case in point is this super neat Madracis coral that we spied at the World Wide Corals Farm…

Montipora caliculata is a species that really deserve more aquarium attention

There are over 70 species of Montipora described to date, with some of the widespread species being diverse enough to be divided into further sub-taxonomic units. The lion’s share of the “Montis” grown in the aquarium hobby are represented by only…