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Wicked Aurora Jawbreaker Mushroom Has Supernatural Coloration

The Mushroom Anemone craze is still in full swing and it seems like we haven’t yet reached the end of this collectable rabbit hole. The latest mind-blowing strain to makes an aquaristic debut is this wild ‘Aurora Borealis’ mushroom anemone which…

Dramatic Acropora Color Change Sighted At Reef Raft Canada

We know that corals can change colors, some times pretty radically from how they are first imported. However one recent account from Reef Raft Canada takes the cake for a complete spectral makeover. An unremarkable yet good looking colony of Acropora latistella arrived…

Epic Denver Area LFS Tour With LOTS of Eye Candy!

As many fish stores as we visit on an annual basis, I think it’s clear to our readers that we LOVE visiting the LFS. Every year I have an annual tradition of visiting every LFS in the Denver and Central…

Lined Gem Tang Is Truly One Of A Kind!

We’ve written so many cool stories about tangs and surgeonfish over the years – there must be a hundred articles on rare species, koi tangs, aberrations and hybrids. It’s definitely getting to the point where there’s not much we haven’t…


The Coral Beauty Angelfish is one of the most beautiful small fishes on the coral reef, Its purple color ranges from deep blue to magenta, with rippling bars that contrast boldly with its golden orange body color. These features makes…

Gorgeous New Candy Cane Hermit Crab is also a Fish Cleaner!

The Candy Cane Hermit Crab is a gorgeous new species of shell-dwelling crustacean that has just been described. Pylopaguropsis mollymullerae is a handful to say out lout and only the second species to be described from the Caribbean Sea. New species of…

Visiting the Original Giant Clam Farm in Palau

Palau is home to eight of the ten known species of giant clams, making it one of the epicenters of giant clam diversity in the world. Better yet, Palau is also home to the world’s first and still oldest operating…


Just about ten years ago, I started the ReefStock conference in Denver Colorado during a time when reef hobbyist events were very rare. When I set out to do ReefStock for the first time, I never imagined ever doing it…

Chasing Coral is A Much Overdue Documentary on the Plight of Coral Reefs

Chasing Coral is a new documentary that aims to document the increasing plight of corals around the world. The new coral movie premiered this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival and it was produced by Exposure Labs, makers of the…

Come Along on a Trek from America to Palau
