morning coffee

Safeguarding Your Aquarium With Redundant Design

Redundancy We have all been admonished by the phrase at some point in our lives “Don’t be redundant. To most that simply means don’t say something twice. By definition it also means don’t exceed what is necessary or…

Using Trace Elements In Saltwater Aquariums

微量元素有一个旧商业押韵that ended with “because little things mean a lot”. As we all know in this hobby that is a definite truism. Whether it is doing the little…

My Memories of Aquariums and Christmas

Christmas is probably the one holiday that makes many of us most feel nostalgic, it often makes us think of how things were in the past and at least in my case how simple life was and maybe better. As…

A Few of My Favorite Fish

你们的这个时候ar when they play “These are a few of my favorite things”, and I am in the Christmas mood I thought I would list some of my favorite fish. Besides just listing them, I would also loke…

A Visit to Elos headquarters in Italy

When I think of Italian companies whose designs fire up my imagination, the names Lamborghini, Ferrari or Maserati immediately come to mind when I think of cars, or Armani, Zegna or Versace when I think of clothing. In addition to…

The Amazing Reef Tanks of Italy

As I have mentioned numerous times in the past, I consider myself to be a lucky person. And one of the ways this luck has manifested itself, is that I have been fortunate to get to see one of my…

Falling in Love With the Hobby Again

There are countless clichés about love and falling in love and most of them are clichés because they are true. My two favorites are ‘it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’ and…

Jumpstarting a reef tank after a long break

With Labor Day fast approaching, vacations winding down and the kids going back to school, it’s a sure sign that the end of summer is upon us. And with Fall and the colder weather, many of us start spending more time with…

The Hottest Corals of 2006

Not to make you feel old, but ten years ago was when Nintendo brought out the Wii, and Pluto was still a planet. Yeah I can’t believe they did that to Mickey Mouse’s dog either. The first one billionth song was…

The Hottest Corals of 1996

1996 was an interesting year for a number of reasons as it was the year that Dolly the sheep was cloned, DVDs were launched and my Steelers lost to the dreaded Cowboys. There were no digital cameras, nor smartphones, and…