Nano Aquarium

Teenyreef’s impeccable 10 gallon reef tank

Today’s featured reef tank is not a massive piece of room furniture, but rather a a restrained, miniature desktop masterpiece. Teenyreef’s nano reef tank is a shining example of how much you can do in the confines of a 10 gallon…

Valenciennea yanoi, a new species of sleeper goby from Japan

Valenciennea yanoi is a yet another new species of sleeper goby from Japan that is definitely going to turn some heads. Sure we get tons of new species of gobies every year, but sleeper gobies are a little more special, being large…

Ultra Reef makes some of the most beautiful calcium reactors

Ultra Reef is an Italian aquarium gear builder which has been making fine protein skimmers and calcium reactors for several years now. We’ve watched the design of their calcium shift and change ever slightly over time, and what they have…

Nisso Aqua Cooler Mini is the first truly hang on nano chiller

The Nisso Aqua Cooler Mini is an innovative thermoelectric with a form factor we haven’t seen before. Not to be confused with the myriad of small hang-on fans that are becoming increasingly available for small and medium sized aquariums, the Nisso…

Titanium mesh impellers coming to Macro Aqua protein skimmers

Macro Aqua is a Chinese aquarium equipment manufacturer better known for their diverse oscillating powerheads, and they grabbed the spotlight this week for their new and innovative Flow Swing attachment. Now Macro Aqua has revealed that they have developed a…

Bubble Magus QQ2 protein skimmer shines in shallow frag tanks

The Bubble Magus QQ2 is a new nano internal protein skimmer which has a lot going for it. The plastic-molded QQ2 is the technical sibling to the Bubble Magus QQ1 which is a small hang on protein skimmer with a…

A perfect pico reef tank at Elite Reef

With a small reef tank, pico reefs being the lower limit, the aquarist has to pay very careful attention to what animals are introduced, how quickly temperature and salinity can change, and especially, to monitor water chemistry which can rapidly change.…

CustomCradle Nano & XL probe holders review

新magneti CustomCradle是非常有趣的c probe holder from Innovative Marine. The new probe holder is being offered in two sizes, a CustomCradle Nano with room for three probes and two dosing lines, and the CustomCradle XL with space…

Bashsea Mano sump just for you nano reefers

Bashsea is big in bold in many ways but the nano scene was a missing piece for some of its products, but that changed when the company recently unveiled the Bashsea Mano nano sump. Although they are billing it as the “man’s…

Unboxing the Jellyfish Art Cylinder Nano Aquarium

Jellyfish Art launched a Kickstarter Campaign showing off a completely redesigned desktop nano aquarium for keeping the Moon Jellyfish; this aquarium was shown off at both MACNA 2015 and more recently the Aquatic Experience – Chicago. Now, we’re able to give…