
Ovabunda Adamanensis是泰国的一种新物种

Ovabunda is a Xeniid genus of soft coral which was just endowed with a new species from Thailand, Ovabunda andamanensis. The genus Ovabunda was created to split off a number of Xenia species into this separate grouping of soft corals which are different…

Sousa Sahulensis是澳大利亚驼背海豚的新物种

Sousa Sahulensis是澳大利亚驼背海豚的新物种which was recently described from what is now a pool of four species of the marine mammals. Fore nearly two centuries questions existed about the exact nature of the population…



遇到新型泡沫物种Blastomussa Vivida

The LPS craze was fueled in part by beautiful and fleshy Blastomussa corals and now we are finding out there is a new member of this coral genus — the Blastomussa vivida. According to a new research paper published this…

Chromishowsoni, a new golden damselfish species from Papua New Guinea

Chromis Howsoni是从巴布亚新几内亚的新物种米尔恩湾(Milne Bay)的新物种工厂进行的新描述的水坝。金棕色的Chromis Howsoni与Ambionensis非常紧密相关,主要在着色和栖息地选择方面有所不同。Chromis…

Siganus Insomnis是印度洋的一种引人注目的兔子鱼

Siganus Insomnis是从斯里兰卡,印度南部和斯里兰卡附近的北印度洋狂欢的一种新物种。尽管新的兔子鱼不经常出现,但新的“失眠”兔子还是值得的……

Trimma Irinae是巴布亚新几内亚的华丽新深水纳米戈比

Trimma Irinae是从巴布亚新几内亚的米尔恩湾(Milne Bay)的深水Nano Reef Goby的新物种。看到来自巴布亚新几内亚,米尔恩湾或三属的新物种可能不是那个小说,但是…




利奥罗普瘤奥尔尼(Liopropoma Olneyi)是流行的深水贝斯物种的“新”物种,实际上已经将其进入水族馆贸易已经有一段时间了。如果您还记得在库拉索奥(Curacao)的载人潜水中进行的令人兴奋的深水收藏品…


伪juloides Edwardi是肯尼亚蒙巴萨的苗条的新物种,实际上是在一家鱼类商店中发现的,这是礁石建造者团队的长期朋友,Green Wherich wash wherichich。新物种的命名是为了纪念…