

Acropora Silitarensis曾经是Acro如此崇高的名字,只是在珊瑚礁周围说出自己的名字将是沉默的原因。当我们只有模糊的棍子时,镀金的浮雕是Sps的圣杯…

Coral Morphologic artwork graces the walls at Miami International Airport

Heading to Miami soon? Keep an eye out for the eye-catching artwork by Coral Morphologic that is gracing the walls at Miami International Airport through its MIA Galleries. The 80-ft. wall features images from Coral Morphologic’s local marine life photography…

在弗洛雷斯(Flores)的礁石上与经典的Acropora Abrolhosensis见面

Acropora Abrolhosensis的橡皮尖端形状的末端是我们对SPS珊瑚保持早期的记忆的标志性。一个不错的模糊staghorn A. Abrolhosensis是许多矿山开拓者成长的最经典和可识别的珊瑚之一……

独特的珊瑚的乔·卡帕拉塔(Joe Caparatta)分享了他在Fluval Sea Flores Expedition上的经验

真正使Floval Sea Flores Expedition特别的原因是,它是由水族馆(Faba)为水族馆组织的。我们在这次Faba旅行中的杰出礁之一是曼哈顿水族馆和独特的珊瑚创始人/老板乔·卡帕拉塔(Joe Caparatta),他们一直在保留水族馆……

Ovabunda Adamanensis是泰国的一种新物种

Ovabunda is a Xeniid genus of soft coral which was just endowed with a new species from Thailand, Ovabunda andamanensis. The genus Ovabunda was created to split off a number of Xenia species into this separate grouping of soft corals which are different…

在极端流动环境中看到了罕见的Acropora Robusta

Acropora Robusta是一种有趣的,厚厚的staghorn珊瑚,在高能量礁箱中也恰好快速生长,尤其是当它具有水族馆的“最大”速度时。经常对Acropora abrotanoides感到困惑,这是……

Sousa Sahulensis是澳大利亚驼背海豚的新物种

Sousa Sahulensis是澳大利亚驼背海豚的新物种which was recently described from what is now a pool of four species of the marine mammals. Fore nearly two centuries questions existed about the exact nature of the population…


我们倾向于将大多数珊瑚视为静止的生物的静止菌落,但是在某些栖息地,大量的珊瑚是活着的滚子叶。当殖民珊瑚以无连接的滚动活岩的形式出现时,它们就被称为“ rolloliths” - 而…



Acropora Plumosa的光荣殖民地形状

另一天,在我们在Fluval Sea Flores探险中遇到的一个著名的石质珊瑚上带来了另一个有趣的文章。像任何携带纸牌的爱人一样,我们仔细阅读了世界上珊瑚的所有页面和诸如Acropora pichoni等独特物种…