
Wild caught aberrant clownfish is not your average misbar ocellaris

Clownfish aberrations are now so common with basically all captive bred fish being an amplification of these mutations, that we don’t bat an eye when we see a solid white clownfish anymore. However when the aberrant clownfish is wild caught,…

Longfin clownfish pairs now shipping from Sustainable Aquatics

The Longfin Clownfish first revealed by Sustainable Aquatics is breeding true, and finally available in enough numbers for them to be sold to the public. With a yield rate of just 10% per brood, the longfin strain is far from…

Captive-bred Amphiprion latifasciatus, the Madagascar Clownfish, offered by Ross DeAngelis.
Rare Madagascar Clownfish Offered via eBay

Last year, Ross DeAngelis caught the attention of clownfish enthusiasts with his announcement of success in breeding the very rare Madagascar Clownfish, Amphiprion latifasicatus. Many have speculated what would happen next, and this past week the first offering of this…

Brooklynellosis (Clownfish Disease): A Subtle, Fast-Moving Killer




Mocha Frostbite Clownfish - a new hybrid and genetic combination has become available.
Mocha Frostbite Clownfish are one of the Newest Designer Hybrids has started offering one of the latest permutations of designer hybrid clownfishes, the Mocha Frostbite. It didn’t take rocket science to create this new variation. At its core, the Mocha hybrid has been around for over a decade, being the…


要求任何一群年幼的孩子命名他们最喜欢的盐水鱼,几乎所有人都有可能回答“小丑鱼”。当然,对于大多数孩子来说,“小丑鱼”是“ Nemo”的代名词,因此他们想到的物种……

Antique coral reef illustrations will tickle your fancy

Antique coral reef illustrations In centuries past—an era absent the wonders of Google’s image search—curious naturalists were reliant on published reports for knowledge on the obscure creatures living in the far corners of the world. The scientists of this period…

Xcalibur clowns are the newest strain of Amphiprion sandaracinos from Bali Aquarich

Following the news of Bali Aquarich’s latest stellar accomplishment on successfully raising Holacanthus passer, here’s something more subdued but nonetheless interesting. Mr. Su has just revealed a “new” strain of Amphiprion sandaracinos that he’s been working on, and gave us…

A standard 3-barred Sunset Mocha Clownfish - a hybrid back-cross bringing a different balance of parental contributions to the table.
Sunset Mocha Clownfish is Latest Twist on Cocktail Clownfish

If anyone is left wondering what the real guppies of the marine aquarium world are, it’s the clownfish, specifically Amphiprion ocellaris, A. percula, the Darwin Black, and all the myriad variations that are being discovered and/or created. The combination of…