Set Up a Saltwater Aquarium

The Pros and Cons of Aquascaping Marine Aquariums with Dry Rock

When aquascaping their tanks, marine aquarium hobbyists have the option of using live rock or dry rock (or some combination thereof) to create the foundational reef structure. Each of these options is completely workable but, as with every aspect of…

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Starting Your First Saltwater Aquarium

One of our primary goals here at Saltwater Smarts is to give budding marine aquarists all the insights and information they need to embark upon this challenging hobby with their eyes wide open. Encouraging prior research on techniques, equipment, and…

Reefing from Afar, Part 5: Plans and Wishes for the Future

Overview: Finally we have come to the end of my series where I will set out some future desires of mine that are totally non-existent today or are very close to market. These are the wholes in my system that…

When is it Okay to Leave a Dead Fish in a Marine Aquarium?

A fellow hobbyist once told that when a fish dies in his tank, he just leaves it there to rot because “that’s what happens in nature.” While he was right about the decomposition of a dead fish being natural, allowing…

Acclimating Saltwater Fish in 10 Easy Steps

Contrary to popular misconception, introducing a new fish to a saltwater aquarium is not a simple matter of floating the shipping bag in the tank for 15 or 20 minutes and then releasing the fish into its new home. Sure,…

The Minimal Role of Mechanical Filtration in Marine Aquariums

Mechanical filtration—the physical straining out of suspended particulates from aquarium water—has something of a mixed reputation among marine aquarium hobbyists. This may seem odd to those with experience in the freshwater side of the hobby, where the use of hang-on-back…

An Introduction to Reef Aquarium Lighting

Saltwater aquarists who choose to take the plunge into reef keeping quickly come to an interesting realization: The lighting used in such systems is of paramount importance. Whereas lighting in fish-only systems is primarily an aesthetic concern (for the most…

6的步骤来防止水rium Leaks

A thriving saltwater system is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold—as long as the salt water stays in the tank where it belongs, that is! While most of the aquariums manufactured today represent a high level of…

Putting Aquarium Water Parameters to the Test

It’s crucial to keep tabs on several key aspects of water chemistry if you want to succeed with a saltwater aquarium. That means you’ll have to develop the habit of testing certain parameters on a routine basis. But that doesn’t…

Calling All Freshwater Keepers, You Can Make the Switch!

I’ve kept freshwater aquariums before, but saltwater aquariums? Aren’t they really difficult?” Chris and I frequently hear comments like this from non-hobbyists as well as from freshwater aquarists who are contemplating making the saltwater switch. The prevailing impression among the…