Is This a NEW Acro Eating Flatworm?

Coral pests are never fun, especially the type that are hard to remove with a simple dip. But undesirable parasites are even scarier and coral life-threatening when we don’t even know what we’re dealing with, as is the case with…

Anacropora Can Get Flatworms Too!

Anacropora is one of the lesser known small polyp stony coral species which are closely related to Acros and Montis. Montipora is known to be infested by pesky white nudibranch, Acropora has its issues with Amakusaplana (Acro Eating Flatworms) and…

What Are Acropora Eating Flatworms And How To Treat Them

Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) are an SPS reefers nightmare. One day you can go from a pristine reef to a fully blown out plague just by introducing them with one coral. Amakusaplana acroporae, Acro eating flatworms, are species of flatworm…

First Sustainable Acropora spathulata Now Available from Bali Aquarium

巴厘岛Aquarium has just come out with an Indonesian strain of Green Apple Acropora spathulata. After a collecting trip in central Indonesia last year, three fragments were collected out of the first ever colony of this species discovered in Indonesia. This…

Reef Reboot Check-In

去年春天我把国际扶轮diculous task of rebooting my reef aquarium while expecting a newborn. I am way overdue in writing update. Why the delay? Well, three reasons really. For one, life got really crazy after the baby…

New insights on eradicating the dreaded Acro Eating Flatworm

Acropora Eating Flatworms aka AEFW aka Amakusaplana acroporae are the bane of SPS coral keepers, especially those of us with a penchant for Acropora species. Acro flatworms can turn an otherwise perfect reef system into an nightmare for the Acros in our…

Coral flatworms can even infest our beloved Trachyphyllia

Coral flatworms come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, but if we find them on our beloved corals, chances are that the flatworm is not doing any good for it. The more corals we keep and see and…

Common Coral Reef Pests and some ideas on how to remove them

In the early days of the hobby, we paid little attention to the many small animals that came in with our corals. We had such a difficult time keeping our corals alive that little thought was paid to the potential…

Reef Primer, a new coral dip from Polyp Lab

息肉实验室有一个新的珊瑚下降称为礁底漆which is billed as being “premium” at treating all kinds of undesirables for the coral aquarium. Reef Primer is a blend of various salts which are said to be effective…

DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe

DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe that is making its way across the pond and into the US market. Although there is no shortage of coral pest eradicating products on the market not every one is…