Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus in nuptial display

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features an opulent member of the wildly popular genus Cirrhilabrus, more affectionally known as the Fairy Wrasses. Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus is a common species with a wide distribution across much of the Western Pacific, from Japan through…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Pseudojuloides kaleidos, in all its beautiful forms


Awesome Fish Spotlight: Steinhart’s studly Genicanthus lamarck

Like the insanely beautiful traffic cone coloured male Genicanthus semifasciatus in the Dallas Aquarium, Steinhart in the California Academy of Science has its own studly Genicanthus to boast. G. lamarck is a common species with a rather large distribution in…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Solar Flare, the hypomelanistic flame angelfish

This is the first time we’re featuring an aberrant fish for Awesome Fish Spotlight, and today’s featured fish is a hypomelanistic flame angel. Unlike many of the funky koi mutations which often manifest as unusual and unknown transient colour changes,…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Who took a tuka and made it pascalus?

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but the hiatus ends today with another Awesome Fish Spotlight. This time we feature not one, but two species as we draw attention to Pseudanthias pascalus and Pseudanthias tuka. While looking superficially similar and rather…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Prismatic Tosanoides flavofasciatus

A throwback to our final Osaka review saw us mentioning briefly the incredible prismatic beauty of Tosanoides flavofasciatus. Like Liopropoma aurora, this species, especially this particular specimen is deserving of a full and separate post to really showcase its beauty and…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Aurora, goddess of dawn and depth

Bridging the gap between our previous Osaka recount and the next is this feature on the one and only Liopropoma aurora. Previously in Dr. Shimokobe’s collection, we caught a glimpse of this species being housed in his deepwater set up.…


所有闪光的不都是金子。对于金属派的Centropyge Aurantia来说,肯定就是这种情况。尽管这种鱼的常见名称与贵金属相关,但在外观方面,非常…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The under appreciated Chaetodon wiebeli

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight focuses on yet another butterflyfish, and this time it’s the highly under appreciated Chaetodon wiebeli. Well under appreciated in its range anyway. We’ve featured this species before when we caught sight of one in Bangkok, but…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: What do you call a pig that cannot oink?

A pig that’s not a pig, it’s a babi wrasse! For the record, if you said bacon you’d also be correct. “Babi” is the Malay and Indonesian word for pig, and apart from delicious Balinese cuisine like Babi Guling, it is…