Saltwater Aquarium Clean Up Crew For Beginners

Meet The Clean Up Crew When keeping a saltwater aquarium you have to think about all parts of the mini-ecosystem you are trying to create. Of course, this means planning out your tank size, what equipment you will need, and then…

Want To Try Growing Acropora Corals? Start With The Bali Green Slimer

巴厘岛Green Slimer The Bali Green Slimer (Acropora yongei) is a classic aquarium coral which has been in the hobby for more than 20 years. No fancy colors, or psychedelic tentacles. This classic Acropora is as green as they come,…

Five Reasons Sponges Are BAD For A Coral Reef Aquarium

Sponges are some of the most remarkable life forms that we can encounter in the ocean. These resilient and diverse ‘creatures’ are not quite single celled, not quite organisms, but colonies of single cells all working together. The can be…

Blue Clownfish Continue To Appear in Aquarium Clownfish Strains

The holy grail of clownfish breeding used to be an all white morph but since this has been achieved in three species already, breeders have had to set their sights higher, and for an even more exotic color. A true…

Looking Forward To The Future Of The Aquarium Hobby

Things I’m Looking Forward To While going through some old books and magazines I came across a poster for MACNA from over twenty years ago, it made me laugh as the topic of my talk was “The Future of the…

The High Cost of the Reef Aquarium Hobby

Having been in this hobby pretty much since it started, I have seen innovations in equipment beyond my wildest dreams. I have also seen fish and corals that I only thought I would see in books become more and more…

Most Popular Reef Aquarium Stories of 2016!

Our annual roundup of 2016’s best stories is one of our favorite times, when we reflect on the most popular stories that You the readers liked the most. As much as any other recent year, two thousand and sixteen had…

Incredible Photos of Galaxea Pipefish from Bali

The concept of symbiosis is the foundation of coral reef aquariums; everything from clownfish and anemones, corals and zooxanthellae, even the ecology of the aquarium is predicated on nitrifying bacteria cleaning the water for us. But there is an incredible…

Crazy Hybrid Hammer x Frogspawn Coral Discovered in Bali Indonesia

巴厘岛Aquarium has just released pictures of a truly fantastic looking Euphyllia coral. The tentacles are a perfect blend of a hammer coral, Euphyllia ancora, and a frogspawn coral, Euphyllia divisa, which is not that uncommon to see in some branching Euphyllia,…

Flower Anemones Discovered in Bali Indonesia!

花海葵,Phymanthus十字花科植物,是t之一he most striking reef invertebrates that until now, have only been available from Florida and surrounding Caribbean, or so we thought. Bali Aquarium shared some photos of a recent batch of ‘flower anemones’ from Indonesia…