
木乃伊眼镜圣杯珊瑚是Echinophyllia的经典菌株中最古老,最受欢迎的珊瑚之一,但这种珊瑚具有触手的独特技巧。艾萨克·塞德尔(Isaac Seidel)首次将其引入礁石世界时…

海王星系统宣布的Sky LED

The SKY LED is the reef aquarium light from Neptune Systems that has been on the horizon since the trademark was officially filed (and subsequently suspended). We’ve been piecing together different features of the Neptune Systems SKY LED since its…




Last week we showed you the Seadreams biological filter reactor, and alongside aquarium equipment, this artisanal Spanish manufacturer also creates complete reef systems. If you’re looking for a unique customizable aquarium, Seadreams might just well be the setup for you.…

Ecotech Vortech和Vectra Pumps开始使用Mobius软件运输

Mobius是一个新的软件控制平台,Ecotech Marine从字面上研究了多年。Mobius的开发已经进行了很长时间,直到最近才通过发布会向更广阔的公众发行。

Elkhorn Coral
Aperture partners with Florida Aquarium to help fund conservation projects

BRS,Neptune,Ecotech和AI的母公司创建了一项名为Aperture Circle的保护计划。该倡议致力于海洋和野生动植物的可持续性和保护,并将与研究机构,基金会,慈善机构等合作……

Mobius Wireless Module (MXM) will Marry Ecotech & Apex Gear

Mobius无线模块(MXM)是Neptune Systems的一个新控制框,最终将允许Apex Controller的用户通过Fusion Software控制和管理其与Mobius兼容的Ecotech Marine和Aqua Illumination产品。这个新…



Neptune Systems启动新的A3 Apex,A3 Apex Pro和A3 JR控制器系统

Neptune Systems已发布其最新一代水族馆监测和控制器系统。现有的两个APEX和APEXEL控制器系统将被三种新的A3型号替换:A3 Apex,A3 Apex Pro和A3 Jr. A3…


皇家新的泡沫王撇油器的制造商and Dreambox sumps have officially entered the LED market with the release of the Re-Light luminaire. Established as long as 1986, this German-made product line-up is synonymous with producing saltwater aquarium equipment…