A Ghost Bandit Angelfish Made Its Way to Denver Colorado

The Ghost Bandit Angelfish was an unexpected, captive bred surprise. It’s impressive enough that Karen Brittain was able to breed this revered species in captivity, but raising a few stripeless individuals out of the batch also gave us a very interesting fish…

A Deeper look into Mokupapapa Discovery Center’s Aquarium

We recently visited a very unique aquarium at the Mokupapapa Discovery Center in Hawaii. The mere size of this aquarium is not what makes it impressive but the beautiful and extraordinarily rare fish that it contain. While there are many…

巴厘岛Aquarich的神仙鱼accolades part 3: Trimaculatus trifecta

It has been a wonderful week for us here in Bali again, and our two-monthly visit to Bali Aquarich never fails to deliver amazing stories. Having seen their first ever captive raised Pomacanthus hybrid and the development of those darling Holacanthus…

Tiny conspicuous angelfish is so small it’s practically post-larval

There’s something so fascinating about seeing pictures of baby marine angelfish, regardless of how dull or bright these tiny fish are, it’s awesome to see the transformation from juvenile to adult. We’re all aware of how dramatically species within the Pomacanthus and Holacanthus can change…

CoralFriend’s newest video shows three of the rarest angelfish together

The video may not be the smoothest, it’s a little shaky and the colors undersaturated but any marine angelfish fan will immediately recognize that this aquarium contains three of the rarest of the rare Pomacanthids. Dr. Chung Wing Hung’s collection…

Ultra rare aquarium video of Centropyge nahackyi

There’s been a veritable parade of new and rare angelfish entering the aquarium hobby as of late, it’s getting a little hard to keep up with it all. Between the Ballina angelfish video, captive bred personatus angelfish, scribbled and hybrid…

Golden Clownfish pictures highlight this most exquisite reef fish

The Golden CLownfish of Dr. Chung stunned the world yesterday with only a short, not too well focused video. Well if you thought that was something, just wait until you get a load of these fresh pictures Dr. Chung made…

Enjoy this tank full of crazy rare reef fish

This incredible reef aquarium maintained by Blue Harbor Japan is chock full of the world’s crazy rare reef fish, plenty enough to buy a luxury car with. Populated by one of a kind piscine critters this aquarium is home to…

Watanabe angelfish successfully bred and reared by Karen Britain

If we just stumbled across a random youtube video claiming to be documenting captive bred marine angefish we’d be skeptical to say the least. However we are a lot more credulous when we see that the video of captive bred…

Reef Fish Hawaii HD for the iPad is the perfect companion to Reef Critters Hawaii

Reef Fish Hawaii HD from Keoki and Yuki Stender of Marine Life Photography is the fishy follow up to the Reef Critters Hawaii app that was previously released for the iPad. Like its predecessor, Reef Fishes Hawaii includes tons of…