Cairns Marine Goldrim Chromis and Rainbow Thick Spine Acan

It’s been a while since they made waves but Cairns Marine is back in the spotlight with a fantastic coral, and even more amazing new abyssal reef fish. The very colorful thickspine Acan and the Goldrim Chromis are two very…

This Mysterious LPS Coral Has Eluded Identification

One of the things that keeps us continually fascinated by aquarium corals, and stony corals in particular, is the challenge of identifying some of the more obscure species. That’s why we were so excited to come across a very unusual…

Top 6 New Species of Reef Corals in 2019

It’s no secret that corals are hard to identify, and that fish are much more appealing when it comes to new species description. New discoveries like the Corazon Damselfish and the Vibranium Fairy Wrasse grab headlines in popular culture in…

Acanthastrea pachysepta: Your Orange Lobo is most Likely an Acan!

Acanthastrea pachysepta is a reclassification of a coral that has stumped us for well over a decade. Formerly classified as a Lophyllia (which now includes all Symphyllia too), the majority of orange lobos exhibit a different color, pattern, morphology and especially behavior than any…