Powder Blue Tangs & Emperor Angelfish: Two Common Fish That New Reefkeepers Should Avoid

Reefkeeping is a paradox. We set up an aquarium to display all the wonderful diversity of the tropical oceans, only to be told that we can’t keep the vast majority of species in our tanks. I help out in my LFS on Saturdays and the following two species are probably the two that people ask me for and point out the most, only for me to deliver the grim news that they can’t have them. And here’s why.

This Wild Powder Blue Tang Has a White Dorsal Fin!

The powder blue tang is so named because of its sky blue body coloration, which is a different shade than other blue surgeonfish, most notably the regal blue tang, AKA Dory. Well apparently this is not the full evolution of…

Speciation and hybridisation of the Acanthurus nigricans complex

The family Acanthuridae with its six charismatic genera are some of the most beloved and recognisable fish both in the field and in the trade, serving as iconic reef denizens which play important roles in herbivory. The six genera holds…