Unseen Corals: Acropora pinguis might be the thickest-branching staghorn coral

Acropora pinguis is a very special coral that we’ve never seen in the aquarium hobby, and there’s probably very good reason for that. If you discount staghorn corals of the Isopora genus, the big cat’s paw corals, then Acropora pinguis forms the…

Rare Acropora robusta sighted in extreme flow environment

Acropora robusta is an interesting, thick branching staghorn coral which also happens to grow crazy fast in a high energy reef tank, especially when it is provided with “maximal” speeds for an aquarium. Often confused for Acropora abrotanoides, the main feature which…

Giant staghorn corals so big they make you feel small

There are staghorn acros and then there are STAGHORN corals! It is astounding to see the massive size that some species can reach in their preferred habitat amnd stumble upon the kinds of gargantuan ship-grounding sizes the colonies and their…