Rift Aquarium Controller现在可用于预订

The Rift Machine One is a new aquarium controller from Portugal that was created to be an all in one control and monitoring platform for nearly every aquarium application. The Rift Machine One is fully cloud connected to keep tabs…

Tunze Cloud Hub和无线控制器在预告片视频中显示

Tunze 7000 Smart Controller是德国公司的第一个产品,可控制更广泛的水族馆设备并具有本地无线连接,但受到基于Web的用户界面的限制。很快7000…


当我们第一次遇到ADA电源线S-70时,我们非常感兴趣,很高兴得知这家古老的种植水族馆公司发行了中等高的技术产品。Aqua Design Amano臭名昭著的技术很低,这实际上是……

Ekoral Lite本周末在澳大利亚启动,美国黑色星期五

Ekoral Lite是一个引人入胜的新入门水族馆控制器,本周末首次在澳大利亚推出,而在美国12月,虽然Ekoral Lite可能比大多数并不意味着……的选择更实惠……


Mindstream Aquarium水化学监测器是水族馆业余爱好最受期待的新产品之一。经过多年的发展困境,这是触摸的,去那里,Mindstream是否会看到…

Mobius, Ecotech Marine’s New Control Platform Goes into Beta Testing

Mobius是一个全新的控制平台,Ecotech Marine在工作中一直在努力建设几年,现在它处于测试的最后阶段。Ecotech在其智能Vortech泵中一直使用非常有能力的微芯片,…


Neptune Systems Trident是雄心勃勃的新产品,本周最终发布了大牌和期待。海王星系统的历史是瞄准全自动礁坦克的宏伟愿景,而三叉戟是……的高潮。

GHL宣布减少“基本” Profilux 4E

PROFILUX 4E是GHL的新水族馆控制器包,它从完整的Profilux 4中刮掉了一点点4.此“必需” Profilux Controller头单元不如Bare Bone Profilux ...


AquaDigitalLife is new monitorning, automation and maintenance hub for your aquarium taking high-tech advances to make aquarium maintenance to the next level for larger aquariums. Sure you could hook this puppy up to a nano system but it would be…


今天我们欢迎的就职岗位特伦斯Fugazzi who has built up quite a reputation as an experienced aquarium controller user. Terence is our go-to guy for all questions about electronic control and monitoring and we are delighted to…