Hands On With The New Plank Auto Feeder

The Plank Automatic Feeder is an interesting new take on this type of device from a company known for spicing up product categories. Avast Marine designs and builds things a little different from the rest like their KalkReactor, Vibe zeolite…

Seabones V2 is a Wet-Dry Inspired Calcium Reactor by Avast

Avast has well-deserved reputation for thinking outside the glass box and the new version of their Seabones calcium reactor is a very prime example of this originality. It’s been almost eight years since the original Avast Marine Seabones was introduced…

avast marine mutiny 2
Avast Marine back in the Ozone game with Avast Mutiny 2.0

Avast Marine is back in the ozone game with a newly designed Avast Mutiny 2.0 recirculating ozone reactor that promises to be more effective and simpler to use than this first iteration that was discontinued a few years ago. Ozonation…

Reef145’s tank is stylish — and an equipment lover’s dream

This tank of Reef145 is a sweet design by Sam Slobusky of New Orleans-based Wet Work that is built around a custom Elos 160 gallon tank and features a who’s who of cool aquarium tech. When we first heard about this…

Avast Pegleg cone skimmmers get significantly refreshed design

The Avast Marine Pegleg cone protein skimmers have been given a significant upgrade in the latest iteration of the company’s cone skimmer. While there have been numerous revisions in the last five years, this is a more precise version with better…

More Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals

We posted some Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals the other day, and have a few more to share including big savings from Neptune Systems and other. Without further ado, on with the savings! Neptune Systems Neptune Systems has big…

Avast Marine’s new high performance media reactor

Avast Marine通过设计和建造一些非常新颖的水族馆设备,在水族馆的爱好中确实为自己划分了一个利基市场。Avast Marine的Porthole,Stammate Locker和Vibe Zeolite反应堆独自一人成为创新的海洋水族馆……

New Porthole from Avast Marine fits all your cameras for top down shots

The Avast Marine Porthole is an interesting aquarium accessory which has become a mainstay of the aquarium world, despite having nothing to do with keeping the aquarium alive and healthy. Neigh instead, the Porthole is part of that final step…

有多容易添加一个阿瓦st Marine recirculating media reactor retrofit kit? Pretty simple

So just how easy is it to add an Avast Marine recirculating media reactor retrofit kit to your media reactor? Pretty simple by the looks of this video. We covered the conversion kit last year and if you have a media…

Avast Marine recirculating media reactor retrofit kit

作为他们年度庆祝活动的一部分,就像海盗日Avast Marine在不断增长的You Buuilt设备目录中发布了新的配件。对于今年,Avast想向Reefers介绍A的概念…