Blueline Butterflyfish Hybrid Still Going Strong After Four Years

Unlike the celebrated and chromatically gifted angelfish, the world of butterflyfish is colored mostly in shades of white, yellow, black and occasionally a touch of red or orange. This is what makes the hawaiian endemic blue stripe butterflyfish, Chaetodon fremblii,…

Chaetodon argentatus Butterflyfish Hybrid Spotted in Japan

年代o many times when we see aberrant or hybrid reef fish it’s in the setting of an aquarium livestock dealer. So it’s always a nice surprise to see some of these animals being spotted in their natural environment, and GT…

年代emilarvatus Butterflyfish Hybrid Is An Extra Rare Specimen!

When it comes to hybrid reef fish, angelfish crosses are very stunning, but butterflyfish hybrids are more nuanced, and highly desirable. Some butterflyfish hybridize more often than others, but this is the first time we’ve reported on a hybrid of…

Wild Wiebeli X Raccoon Butterflyfish Hybrid!

Butterflyfish are some of the most iconic species of reef fish, it’s always a nice treat to see unusual species, and hybrids of Chaetodon. Today we have an example of both, a hybrid of the rarely seen Chaetodon wiebelii butterflyfish. This specimen…

Rare Hybrid of Pyramid Butterflyfish is caught from Indonesian water

Hybrids reef fish are sometimes a puzzle for your head, especially with closely related species. Here is another less commonly seen butterflyfish hybrid between the Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) and Black Pyramid Butterflyfish (H. zoster). There is no official record…

An unusual butterflyfish hybrid of Chaetodon auriga and C. lineolatus

Hybrid angelfish seem to get a lot of attention but there also exists unusual hybrids of butterflyfish. The picture above shows an interesting hybrid that came into a local fish market last week right after being captured from the Andaman…

Rare Butterflyfish Parade: Roa excelsa, Roaps flavocoronatus and a new Roaps tinkeri hybrid

Not sure what is in the air lately but have we got the goods on a nice handful of uber rare butterflyfish fish for you. Hot on the heels of the orange margin butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei, we have an odd-phase…