Protecting this fish can save Caribbean reefs

Caribbean reefs could be wiped out in as little as 20 years unless reef grazers, such as parrotfish and urchins, are protected. A recent report is showing it’s not just the threat of global warming causing corals to bleach out…

Reef Builders Spotlight: Jesus Larralde of Farside Tropicals

Here at ReefBuilders, we occasionally shine the spotlight on people who have an impact on the marine aquarium hobby with recognition of a “Reef Builder Spotlight”. This month, we’re featuring Jesus Larralde the president of Farside Tropicals based in Miami, Florida. I was first introduced to…

Does the Emerald Crab Earn Its Algae-Eating, Reef-Safe Reputation?

翡翠蟹(Mithraculus sculptus)是为实用目的出售给水族馆业余爱好者的各种和各种海洋生物。经常吹捧它吞噬泡沫藻类和其他令人讨厌的藻类形式,Sculptus已成为…

Chalk Bass: A Caribbean Jewel Custom Made for Marine Aquariums

Anyone who has visited Saltwater Smarts on a regular basis knows that Chris has a bizarre fixation on Caribbean species. No livestock—fish or invertebrate—originating outside the Caribbean/tropical Western Atlantic is allowed in his tank. If he could, he’d probably go…


I still remember the first time I encountered an invasive lionfish. It was in the late spring of 2010 during a scuba dive on the North Wall of Grand Cayman. For those unfamiliar, the North Wall is where the coral…

The Blunt-nosed Basslet is a perfect Caribbean curiosity for your deepwater tank

Bullisicthys Caribbaeus是一条非常可爱的鱼,来自加勒比海深水,值得一看。可爱的一词并不经常用于描述鱼,但是钝鼻子或巴属鼻子肯定是可爱的,…

Rock Flower Anemones Resurge in Popularity

Rock flower anemones are trending in popularity as of late in the reef aquarium hobby. They have always been readily available in the industry, as they are harvested close by in the Caribbean. But despite their relatively easy accessibility, they’ve…


In a perfect world, every fish, invertebrate, or alga introduced to a marine aquarium would be allowed to live out its entire lifespan there. But as we all know, there are many contingencies that can make it necessary for hobbyists…

The Sally Lightfoot Crab: A Real Character of a Crustacean

Sharing the surname of a famous Canadian folk singer, of whom I’ve been an ardent fan for many, many years (once again confirming that my profound nerdiness knows no bounds), the Sally Lightfoot crab, a.k.a. the nimble spray crab, of…

This sponge sure does look familiar…

We had to chuckle when we came across this image of a stovepipe sponge along side Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster in the Daily Mail. Spotted by underwater photographer Mauricio Handler, while he was diving in off the Dutch Caribbean, this Muppet-like…