Cirrhilabrus blatteus, A Fresh Look at the Elusive Red Sea Fairy Wrasse

For as well studied and heavily traveled as the Red Sea has been throughout most of history, it still surprises us how much of its marine life remains rare, elusive, and poorly documented. If it wasn’t for the recent diligence…

Iconic Australian Lineatus Wrasse Collected in Papua New Guinea


Cirrhilabrus apterygia, the Mutant Comes Home to the Fairy Wrasses

Cirrhilabrus apterygia is the new name for a fish that’s been known to science for many years, but is so bizarre that one of its common names is the mutant wrasse. First described as Conniella apterygia in 1983 this particular wrasse…

Cirrhilabrus aquamarinus & C. chaliasi, Two Classic Fairy Wrasses Get Properly Described

Cirrhilabrus chaliasi and C. aquamarinus are two newly described species of fairy wrasses but while the names might be new, the species themselves are actually well known to saltwater aquarists. We can’t hep but feel a sense of pride that…

cirrhilabrus briangreenei,一种古老的水族馆鱼是一种新的仙女

Cirrhilabrus briangreenei is a long overdue description for a fish that has been known in the marine aquarium hobby as the black spot pyle wrasse since at least 2008, see video below. The official description proposes the name Latigo fairy wrasse…

Cirrhilabrus Randalli提供的礁石供应出售

Cirrhilabrus randalli is a species of fairy wrasse that was described as far back as 1995, but so far has been completely absent in the aquarium hobby until now. A pair of Raindall’s Fairy wrasse have just been listed for…

Cirrhilabrus Wakanda,Vibranium Fairy Wrasse正式描述

Cirrhilabrus wakanda is a brand new species of fairy wrasse described from the western Indian Ocean, more specifically from Zanzibar in Tanzania. Fairy wrasses are widespread from the East Coast of Africa through the Central Pacific Ocean but we know…

Cirrhilabrus sanguineus Brought to America by TSM Corals

For decades the red blotched fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus sanguineus, has been a holy grail of wrasse collectors and pretty much known only from books and pictures. The earlier this year expert deep diving fish collector Tim Bennett shocked the world by hauling…


Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis is the official name for a ‘new species’ of fairy wrasse that’s actually been enjoyed in the aquarium hobby for quite some time now. With some similarities with other common species like Tonozuka’s fairy wrasse and the redfin…


Now that we are in Bali, yesterday we decided to go the diving some of the close by, classic eastern cost dive site. We headed to Pandang Bai… This place is quite famous for white sand macro, and we knew…