The Maxea Clam Hybrids of Australia’s Acro Al

It’s been ten years since we had the privilege of highlighting Maxea clams, the first documented, obvious specimens of hybrid Tridacna that the aquarium hobby was ever aware of. There was a wave of criticism and and healthy dose about the…

奥拉是芬达stic hybrid maxima clams

Clams are some of the most fascinating members of the coral reef community, and they are especially welcomed in our home aquaria. Today we have access to more varieties of Tridacna than ever, and ORA is piling on one more new…

SquamoCea – introducing the new Tridacna giant clam hybrid

The SquamoCea is a new hybrid Tridacna giant clam cross between T. squamosa and T. crocea. You may recall several years ago the Maxea clam hybrid between crocea and maxima clams made a big splash with amazing mantles and some really…