The Peppermint Angelfish at LiveAquaria


Quality Marine Makes History With Uber Rare Pitcairn Angelfish

It has been an incredible couple of weeks for rare angelfish news but nothing can top the mind blowing collection of deepwater species that Quality Marine just received from the Cook Islands. Those of you up to date on your…

Genicanthus spinus: First Video of this Rare Angelfish from the Cook Islands

Genicanthus spinus is a species of angelfish so rare that it’s literally one of the few Pomacanthids that we’d never written about, until today. We’ve covered so many rare species of angels like the blackspot pygmy angel, the Abei angelfish, the black…

Nemateleotris helfrichi: A tale of two heads

Immense fish collection in the early 90’s brought new light to a plethora of colourful reef fish, many of which the world had never seen. In 1938, from a smorgasbord of specimens in the Albatross collection, one exquisite little fish…

Cirrhilabrus claire trio was invited to America by Quality Marine

Cirrhilabrus claire is one of our all time favorite species of fairy wrasses and lucky for us, it seems like this year might be be a fruitful one for this incredible and exciting fish from the South Pacific. Two years…

A first look at the REAL Cirrhilabrus claire from its type location of the Cook Islands

As I type this, my breath is rapid, and my fingers are bent from random spasmodic twitching. We’ve seen Cirrhilabrus claire before, and a few times now. We’ve even covered it extensively before, but nothing could have prepared us for this.…

Rapture of the Deep – The elusive Narcosis Angelfish

Nitrogen Narcosis, The Martini Effect, and Rapture of the Deep: all are terms used to describe the effects of the alteration in consciousness when diving to depths greater than 100 feet (30 meters). This temporary and reversible effect is similar…

Purple face Helfrich’s firefish resurface from the Cook Islands

Helfrich’s firefish, Nemateleotris helfrichi, were once so rare in the aquairum hobby that you basically never saw them at the fish store. How times have changed now that the dainty little Helfrich’s is collected in massive numbers from the Marshall Islands…

LiveAquaria sells $5000 narcosis angelfish almost immediately


Scott’s fairy wrasse from Cook Islands is the quintessential Cirrhilabrus scottorum

曾几何时,斯科特(Scott)从库克群岛(Cook Islands)的童话斗篷是弗劳斯(Wrasse)的斗争。这是蜜蜂的膝盖屈膝,这几乎是唯一的cirrhilarbus scottorum形式,您可以在…中得到。