Remember to ‘De-Crab’ New Cultured Acropora

It’s safe to say that the global reef aquarium hobby is collectively elated to get their hands on fresh new cultured corals, including some of the exotic and exciting strains from Bali Aquarium. The Indo Acropora in particular are exciting…

An introduction to coral crabs, good and bad

There is surprisingly little information specifically about coral crabs in aquaria. Every now and then some hitchhikers arrive on our aquacultured and wild corals and we are able to gain a bit more insight into the life of coral crabs. Some crabs…

The Orangutan Crab; Another sweet coral crustacean

Following our review of crustacean relationships with corals that we accoutered during the Fluval Sea Flores expedition, we are left wondering why we never see these associations in aquarium. One other crustacean that we often come to meet even together with our last candidate Vir…

Coral crabs aid ailing corals, combat disease

We as aquarists have always believed that coral crabs are mostly positive in their interactions with stony corals. The colorful smooth shelled ones are pretty and probably keep Tegastes and acro eating flatworms at bay, and we know that they…