Caribbean Coral Diaries – Fire Coral

Fire coral (Millepora sp.) is the VERY FIRST coral every scuba diver should learn to identify. These fuzzy orange corals hide a fierce sting and should be avoided at all cost. Colonies have a smooth surface with a pale yellow to…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Pseudodiploria clivosa

Knobby Brain Coral Psuedodiploria clivosa, the Knobby Brain Coral, is the third and final species of Diploria brain coral found in the Caribbean. P. clivosa has the thinnest ridges of all three species which grow in a tightly woven pattern. In shallow habitats, Psuedodiploria clivosa can grow into large…

Raja Ampat Coral Diaries – Acropora
Raja Ampat Coral Diaries How often do you dive just to see coral? No really, how often do you spend your dive photographing corals, looking for corals, and getting amped about finding rare species. It's easy to finish a dive and…