Navigobius asayake, The Newest Angelic Dartfish Species from Japan

Navigobius asayake is the newest species of dartfish discovered to get an official species description. Once known only from pictures taken by SCUBA divers, the Navigobius genus was erected only in 2009 and has expanded rapidly to include four very distinct and…

Navigobius kaguya Is Another Spectacular Dartfish From Japan & Philippines

Navigobius has been one of our favorite groups of dartfish since the genus was erected in 2009. So it is with great pleasure that today we get to add another new species to the genus, Navigobius kaguya. Until now there…

The Helfrich Firefish Hybrid Literally Survived A Storm!

It was in December of last year that we reported on the first documented sighting of a rare hybrid between the common firefish, Nemateleotris magnifica, and the much less common helfrich’s firefish, N. helfrichi. We’re happy to report that this specimen…

New Pink Spot Firefish is Only The Second of its Kind!
When we first reported on the existence of a common firefish with a large, unusual pink spot on its side, we thought for sure this was a fluke. Like the metallic green-faced goby, we thought that since the pink spot…
Helfrich Firefish Hybrid的惊人第一张图片(带视频更新)

Dartfish hold a very special place in our reefing hearts, and none more so than the magnificent firefish. We absolutely adore the Nemateleotris firefish species, so we definitely perked up when we came across this incredibly rare firefish hybrid. The regular and…

Navigobius vittatus
Navigobius vittatus from Brunei is the newest species of Dartfish

Navigobius vittatus is a new species of deepwater dartfish that has just been described from specimens collected around Borneo. Navigobius dewa kicked off this exciting genus of dartfish several years ago and since then, several more undescribed species of these…

Rare double fin firefish makes its way to House of Fins

A rare double-finned common firefish has just made its way to the aquarium hobby and it’s quite the attention grabber. If there’s one thing that firefish are well known for, it’s that prominent first dorsal fin. So you can imagine…

Helfrich’s firefish discovered in the Philippines

Helfrich的Firefish,Nemateleotris Helfrichi在菲律宾发现,将物种范围扩大了超过1000公里或600英里。最近的发现不仅从鱼类生态学的角度来看很重要,而且还将这种鱼纳入了……

Navigobius Dartfish在菲律宾发现了!

Pictured above is an incredible sample of Navigobius found in the Philippines which extends the range of this eye-popping genus by more than a thousand miles. The Navigobius genus was just created less than five years ago to describe the first and only…

Purple Firefish: A Shy Beauty for the Small, Peaceful Aquarium
