fauna marin red x
Fauna Marin RED X wants to eliminate your nuisance algae

Fauna Marin RED X is a new liquid additive by the German company to help aquarists rid themselves of nuisance algae like green and red cyanobacteria, mild dinoflagellate infestations, gold and armor algae and diatoms. Fauna Marin describes RED X…

Friday Smorgasbord: Hobbyists save the wild reefs, bisexual fish and more

Can we get a “hellz yeah” for hobbyists doing their part to help save the wild reefs? We’ve known this for a while, but finally there is some scientific evidence that the hobby is helping to preserve reef ecosystems. A…

Algae Mower Vac to the rescue, more than just hair algae removal

The Algae Mower Vac was released at this years MACNA, and this nifty hair algae removing tool is already gaining traction in the hobby. Although primarily designed for hair algae removal, the use of the Algae Mower Vac is not…

DinoXal from QFI said to remove Dinoflagellates

Dinoflagellates are very annoying in reef aquariums. A new product called DinoXal from QFI (Quality Fish Imports) is said to eliminate or remove dinoflagellates from your aquarium. We aren’t too sure what is in DinoXal, but if it works as…