The Nebula Percula – Not A Made Up Name

Designer Clownfish are more popular than ever; over the summer of 2014 I’ve spent endless hours researching both the genetic and hybrid forms of designer clownfishes out there. I spoke on the topics of genetics, hybrids, and geographic variants at the…

The best discus of Aquarama 2013: Symphysodon like you’ve never seen it

In order to be a well rounded musician, no matter your specialty, it helps to be familiar with the nuances and techniques of other genres. Likewise, in order to bea better reef aquarist it helps to know a little something…

Video collage of nearly all of ORA’s captive bred clownfish

We all know ORA as a the most prolific inland marine life producer, breeding, growing and generally culturing all manner of reef fish, corals and invertebrates. Oceans, Reefs and Aquariums masters the breeding of new species so regularly that we…