Ecotech Vortech and Vectra Pumps Start Shipping With Mobius Software

Mobius is a new software control platform that Ecotech Marine has been working on literally for years. The development of Mobius has been in beta testing for a very long time, only recently releasing to the wider public with the launch…

Mobius, Ecotech Marine’s New Control Platform Goes into Beta Testing

Mobius is a brand new control platform that Ecotech Marine has been hard at work building for several years, and now it’s in the final phases of testing. Ecotech has been using very capable microchips in its smart Vortech pumps,…

EcoSmart Live is the first ecosystem to have Apple Watch integration

This post is not for the masses of people who read this site daily, it’s for the uber geeks who want to be the first to learn about the most esoteric reef aquarium geekery. Controlling your reef aquarium with a…

Ecosmart Live unlocks the hidden power of Vortech Pumps

Ecosmart Live has come a long way as a platform for cloud based control of Ecotech Marine products. But while the system has been great for fancy, granular level control of high performance Radion LED lights, the product that put…

Ecotech Marine ReefLink is a go for MACNA this weekend

The ReefLink from Ecotech Marine we first reported on through a discovered trademark filing is real and is expected to enjoy a big unveiling at MACNA this weekend. The first revealed photo of the ReefLink doesn’t show much of the…

Ecotech Reeflink ‘controller for aquarium equipment’ supposed hub for Vortechs and Radions

ReefLink is the name of Ecotech Marine‘s new wireless hub of product or products discovered in a recent trademark filing. The documentation sniffed out by Reefs describes ReefLink as “Electronic controllers for aquarium equipment”, also of the programmable kind, offering…

EcoSmart Live BETA registration now open to all

EcoSmart Live BETA has been open to a select few number of Radion LED users but Ecotech Marine has just it loose to the general public. After making the cloud based controller service available to about a hundred people for…

EcoSmart Live BETA launches for select Radion users, we go hands-on

Back in May while covering InterZoo 2012 we shared the first look at Ecotech Marine’s newest control solution for the Radion LED called EcoSmart Live. After months of refinement Ecotech Marine is just beginning to open up the use of Ecosmart…

EcoSmart Live offers web-based control of Radion LED, accessible by Mac, PC, iOS etc
With any computer plugged into to a Radion, you can get full control of Ecotech Marine LED lights and Mac users will finally feel the love. As an added benefit you can use your computer to control the Radion through…