New VorTech MP10 action video from EcoTech Marine

随着Vortech MP10即将发布的准备,Ecotech Marine正在为礁石人群介绍更多有关这种令人兴奋的新产品的基础。来自Ecotech的两个新视频具有MP10在产生A…

Ecotech Marine makes an announcement about the imminent release of the Vortech MP10

It’s been almost two months since the announcement of the Vortech MP10, the first real new Vortech pump since the mp40 . There’s been a great reception for the 1500 gph, $200 water pusher and all that remains is for…

Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10 winner is

祝贺戴夫·波尔津(Dave Polzin)赢得了我们的MP10。对于其他人来说,不用担心,我们的盒子里装满了新的礁石建造者赃物,这一定会让您流口水。

Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10 winner is Centerwood

Congratulations to Centerwood for winning our MP10. For the rest of you, don’t worry we have boxes full of new stuff to get away including more MP10’s, and other type quality products sure to make you drool.

Aquarium Stimulus program: Vortech MP10 Round III

This is your chance to own a new piece of equipment that hasn’t even hit stores yet. The MP10 which was released at the MAX aquarium show is up for grabs. We aren’t going to bore you with the details…

Vortech MP10 first video hands-on comparing betas to betas

The Vortech MP10 isn’t even out yet but Reef Builders already has their hands on a pre-production Vortech MP10 and it is being put through it’s paces as we speak. The video is a hands-on look at the new miniscule…

Vortech MP10 Video

Here’s a quick look at the new diminutive Vortech MP10 propeller water pump from EcoTech Marine. The Vortech MP10 brings nearly all of the same features as it’s larger MP20 and MP40 siblings. The Vortech MP10 pushes a maximum of…

Vortech MP10 hands on and unboxing

We got our paws on a brand spankin’ new MP10 and our cameras got a nice gander of all its glory. We won’t do a full review just yet but thought you might like comparison shots with our 50 cent…

Vortech MP10 from Ecotech Marine says hello to the world

The Vortech MP10 has been made official by Ecotech Marine. This new propeller type pump fits nicely below the MP20 and the larger brother MP40. The MP10 is designed for aquariums between 2.5 to 50 gallon range through the use…

Vortech mod increases flow with caveats

The stock intake strainer for the Vortech is closely spaced to protect smaller fish but in larger tanks, even these smaller fish have plenty of room to avoid the pump’s powerful intake. In over 4 yrs of using the Vortech…