Sock Canisters from Pro Clear Aquatic Systems

The new Sock Canisters from Pro Clear Aquatic Systems are a new way to get more filtration from your filter sock equipped sumps. Instead of using just filter socks, since so many sumps have multiple holders for them with the sock…

How to Optimize the Installation of an Automatic Filter Roll

这已经不是什么秘密,我们已经相当大的粉丝啊f Automatic Filter Rolls as a potent replacement for using mechanical filter socks. We don’t want to think about how many hours we’ve spent cleaning them, how many gallons of water…

Eshopps Colors Series Sumps: Oceana, Aquos, Alpha & Titan

The Eshopps Oceana, Aquos, Alpha & Titan are four new sump lines in their recently announced Color Series of aquarium sumps. In a very short period of time we’ve seen marine aquarium sumps go from a commoditized, basic box design…

Five New Products Shaping The Future Of Reef Tanks Part 2 : Filter Rolls

The reef aquarium hobby sure is moving very fast in a lot of new and interesting directions. Yesterday we discussed the advancement of automatic aquarium water testing, something which we could have wish-listed five, ten or even twenty years ago. …

Elasmobranch Enthusiasts (Part 3): Modern Husbandry – Filtration

From the ferocious great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) to the graceful white-spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), Elasmobranchii are a diverse group of boneless fishes that are circumglobal, inhabiting a diverse array of habitats, temperature ranges, salinity, and niches in the…

Good Reasons to Use a Refugium in Your Reef System

A refugium is a safe haven for algae and invertebrates in a separate tank from the main display aquarium. These organisms provide some distinct advantages to the overall health of a reef aquarium. First off, the critters breeding in the…

The Minimal Role of Mechanical Filtration in Marine Aquariums

Mechanical filtration—the physical straining out of suspended particulates from aquarium water—has something of a mixed reputation among marine aquarium hobbyists. This may seem odd to those with experience in the freshwater side of the hobby, where the use of hang-on-back…

The Lowdown on Live Rock

“Live rock”: It’s one of the first terms new saltwater aquarium hobbyists hear—and one of the first times (of many) they may find themselves scratching their heads in bewilderment. Let’s clear up the confusion! What on earth is live rock?…

Protein Skimming: Bubble Your Way to Better Water Quality

Saltwater aquarium hobbyists today have a dizzying array of devices, doodads, and doohickeys at their disposal for improving water quality and maintaining appropriate water parameters. Some of these items are essential for aquarium success, while others might be more appropriately…

Eheim AquaCorner 60 a small, unobtrusive filter for your nano tanks

The new Eheim AquaCorner 60 is a small internal filter for keeping your nano aquarium crystal clear without sacrificing too much internal real estate. Good for systems from 10 to 60 liters, the Eheim AquaCorner 60 is an mechanical filter…