Performing Hypodermic Surgery on a Tilefish with a Swollen Eye

There are a lot of ailments that can affect saltwater fish and for most of these we have tried and trusted treatments. If a fish gets ich we know how to use copper, if a fish has flukes we can…

Fish Got Ich? Kick It With Fritz FixIck

Fritz FixIck is a revolutionary new way to treat aquatic external parasites including Ick, Chilodonella, Trichodina and Tetrahymena. As one of the most common diseases most aquarists will encounter, finding an Ick treatment that is simple, safe, and highly effective can be difficult. Fritz…

Can You Believe this Gem Tang Survived?

Several weeks ago we peered into one of our reef tanks to notice that something was not quite right with one of our gem tangs. The medium sized Zebrasoma gemmatum specimen had been in our care for the better part of…

How To Set Up A Simple & Effective Quarantine Tank

I must really like quarantine tanks because it seems like I’ve set up more of them than actual fish tanks over the years. There’s something about knowing you have the perfect environment to do whatever is necessary to acclimate a fish…

Looking Forward To The Future Of The Aquarium Hobby

Things I’m Looking Forward To While going through some old books and magazines I came across a poster for MACNA from over twenty years ago, it made me laugh as the topic of my talk was “The Future of the…

为什么它is important to quarantine your fish and coral

Similar to the state of Hawaii’s required 120-day quarantine for pets, to maintain their status as the only rabies-free state, you can think of your quarantine tank as a model to prevent the “rabies” of the marine world. There is…

Tip of the Day — Always check your magnet mounts

Equipment and livestock maladies effect even the most expert of reefers. Kevin Kohen, Director of LiveAquaria, shared this image along with this note “Tip of the day–check you magnet holders occasionally to avoid mysterious problems in reef aquaria.” We don’t…

Coral Shop CoraSound Multi can be used as a dip or inside the aquarium

Naturally derived treatment for parasites and pests aren’t new and Coral Shop is the latest to offer a natural product to battle parasites, bacterial infections and viruses in your aquarium. the new Coral Shop CoraSound Multi is a 100% natural product for…

Best reason to quarantine? Your health

Need a better reason to quarantine? How about your own health. We know quarantine systems are an essential component to bringing new fish into your system to help prevent the spread of disease to your other fish, but recent research from Oregon State University…

HLLE: New observations and suggestions for treatment

New information gathered from the public aquarium community aims to shed new light on the age old problem Head and Lateral Line Erosion, HLLE. Hole-in-the-head, as it it is also known, occurs most frequently in deep bodied marine and freshwater…