

未知的毛里求斯·瓦伦西亚(Mauritius Valenciennea



伪juloides Edwardi是肯尼亚蒙巴萨的苗条的新物种,实际上是在一家鱼类商店中发现的,这是礁石建造者团队的长期朋友,格林,这是水族馆。新物种的命名是为了纪念…

苏拉威西coral shipments are bringing new treasures from the Coral Triangle

苏拉威西corals are about to pick up where Borneo corals left off, we hope. A couple years ago there was some efforts to get Borneo corals into the aquarium trade, and that hasn’t panned out yet, but now Sulawesi corals may become…


本周末,零售水族馆空间中发生了许多伟大的事情。水族馆的爱好可以在我们令人敬畏的爱好中对事态的更多社论反思,为此,PFK的内森·希尔(Nathan Hill)撰写了…

漂亮的男性肯尼亚仙女wrasse,cirrhilabrus sp。3在格林威治水族馆制作水族馆总理

The Kenya fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus sp.3 is yet another never before seen species of exotic reef fish to get widely documented at Greenwich Aquaria before anywhere else in the country. Somewhat resembling Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis, the Kenya fairy wrasse also sports…


Fins和Greenwich Aquaria House是该国最好的两家零售水族馆商店,我们多年来一直在广泛写有关,只有Liveaquaria和Old Town Aquarium才能做到很多稀有的……

Garibaldi Lemonpeel Ganselfish和Flavocoronatus But必威官网登录随行版terflyfish Hybrid Fish Hearbrid Headling父亲节销售在Greenwich Aquaria

If a Garibaldi and a lemonpeel had a lovechild we imagine it would look a lot like the beautiful specimen at right. This stunning Centropyge flavissima was captured in the Marshall Islands and it features a strong orange body coloration…

伪leucozonus,白色酒吧Anthias在Greenwich Aquaria露面

[youtube width =“ 640”高=“ 385”] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chunpv2cccy [/YouTube] Pseudanthias leucozonus,Pseudanthias leucozonus,pseudanthias leucozonus,白色的Anthias,是一种极为罕见的Anthias,有些令人叹为观止的物种颜色。通常仅限于日本水域的南海,这批十个伪造的大批leucozonus实际上是源于的……

Pseudoplesiops rosae, the Rose Island basslet

玫瑰岛的基地伪造的rosae是一种有吸引力的小鸡巴,很少为海洋水族馆进口。格林威治水族馆的杰森·爱德华(Jason Edward)在获取稀有和新鱼方面的通常嫌疑人之一…