难以捉摸的Bodianus Neopercularis及其接近完美的克隆


Blueharbor展示超级稀有少年Bodianus Masudai Hogfish

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvQdtgSaLTQ&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] The Masudai hogfish is a super rare species that rarely ever makes it into the trade, and even if it does, it’s almost always within the local Japanese market. BlueHarbor once again, in living up to its reputation, scores…

少年bodianus izuensis是霍格鱼爱好者的罕见享受

不久前,我们在两个非常稀有和美丽的Hogfishes,Bodianus Masudai和B. paraleucosticticus之间分裂。好吧,拉布里德(Labrid)的放纵并没有结束,因为这个惊人的少年bodianus izuensis在新加坡出人意料。测量…

Bodianus Masudai和B. paraleucosticticus不是您的普通深水猪鱼

[YouTube宽度=“ 680”高=“ 380”] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynj5zbilpda [/YouTube] Bodianus Masudai和B. leucosticticus是最近出现的两种深水Hog鱼,最近出现为单个标志。来自新加坡的Digiman获得了B. Masudai的美丽标本,在日本水族馆市场以外很少见。这个…

霓虹灯鱼,Bodianus sanguineus在Fins Splash事件中的明星

[youtube width=”670″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aglwFJtL9HE[/youtube] The Neon Hogfish, Bodianus sanguineus, is by far one of the rarest fish we’ve spotted in a long time. The first and only one we’ve ever seen was in a private collection over ten years ago, back…