Reef Octopus Water JET a novel way to produce subsurface laminar water flow

Reef Octopus appears to be in development of a novel and mysterious water moving device. The Reef Octopus Water JET was spied at LSS Laboratory and it appears to move a blade of water through a long, narrow vent. As…

Fine-crafted Shoei skimmers show that small Beckett skimmers are still popular in Japan

Downdraft and Beckett skimmers are still extreme foam fractioning workhorses despite the current trends toward cone and needle wheel designs hitting the market and our reefkeeping brothers and sisters in Japan are proving these smaller, finely-crafted skimmers are alive and…

Awesome Japanese Trachyphyllia geoffroyi tank only uses LED spotlights

You might know that reefers in Japan have many opportunities to access very colorful LPS, especially Trachyphy geoffroyi. Â One Japanese reefer, REEF, is an experienced reefer and he has been collecting Trachyphy geoffroyi for many years. Â When he buys Trachyphy…

Anagonbe’s Japanese Reef presented in High Definition Video

High definition video is the only way to really do justice to this amazine Japanese style reef aquarium by the one they call Anagonbe. This SPS dominated aquarium features very keenly arranged Acropora colonies which are grouped together based on…