The Rockmover Wrasse: What a Difference Adulthood Can Make!

In a previous post titled “Marine Fish Bait and Switch—5 Adorable Juveniles that Blossom into Brutes,” I listed the rockmover wrasse (Novaculichthys taeniourus), aka the reindeer wrasse or the dragon wrasse, among four other species that are typically sold in…

Marine Fish Propagation System at the Toledo Zoo

Guest post by Laurie Dixon, Toledo Zoo Aquarium lead keeper You’ve heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it can take thousands of copepods to raise one larval fish. Our curator of fishes, Jay Hemdal,…

Why Are Juvenile Marine Angelfish So Different From Adults?

When human parents bring a child into the world, they watch their offspring eagerly for facial features and other physical characteristics that are similar to their own. Moms and dads experience a certain pride whenever someone acknowledges that, “She has…

Spotted Drum – Another Look at a Spotlight-Worthy Species

Last year ReefBuilders championed the elusive and rare-in-the-trade Florida Spotted Drum, Equetus punctatus, as one of the most underrated reef fish. So I couldn’t help offering another look at the species, this time, a hand-collected juvenile from Florida that recently…

Tiny little masked angelfish caught and filmed in Hawaii

Superstar deepwater reef fish collector Rufus Kimura and Co. have successfully captured a tiny little masked angelfish juvenile, Genicanthus personatus. Right as we were retiring for last night we heard whisperings that a juvenile Genicanthus personatus had been caught at…

Bandit Angelfish, video of a perky juvenile

Juvenile Bandit Angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus, are very striking fish for their bold black on white stripes patterning. This well adjusted juvenile aquarium specimen is brimming with personality as he swims confidently around in his 10 gallon QT/conditioning aquarium. This is…