Evil one-eyed chalice coral sighted at 110 feet in Kwajalein Atoll

While on a deep dive on the ocean side of Kwajalein Atoll, we came face to face with a pair of chalice corals with a striking look unlike any we have seen in aquariums, or in the wild. With a…

Pavona cactus deserves a whole lot more presence in our reef tanks

When diving wild reefs, as we did last week in Kwajalein Atoll, corals like Pavona cactus remind us of the wild disparity between the abundance of corals in nature and their relative presence in aquariums. Pavona cactus is one of…

Acropora rongelapensis is one of the craziest Acros we’ve ever seen

Ever first we learned and wrote about the exquisite Acropora rongelapensis, it has been on our bucket list to go to the Marshall Islands to find and photograph this species in the wild. Last week we just happened to be on…

Introducing the Red Devil Acropora tenella from Kwajalein Atoll

The Red Devil Acro is an astounding red strain of Acropora tenella that we discovered while diving the deeper portions some of the incredible reefs of Kwajalein Atoll. Admittedly it was while searching for another special coral, Acropora rongelapensis, that we came across…

Pacific Island Elhorn Acropora really does look a lot like A. palmata

Almost four years ago we shared with you the discovery of a Pacific Elkhorn Acropora coral; today we can tell you about finding and seeing this coral for ourselves and boy does it look a lot like its Caribbean counterpart.…

Stony coral gems of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands

We’re writing to you live from the reefs of Ebeye Island at Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We know a lot about the Marshall Islands for their rare and endemic reef fish and especially wrasses, but…

Brian Greene’s beautiful footage of Kwajalein Atoll [VIDEO]

Diver Brian Greene posted this stunning footage captured on a dive off the Kwajalein Atoll, part of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. If you were lacking motivation to fine tune your tank to capture a piece of the ocean —…

Red carpet anemone and tricinctus clownfish filmed at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands

Red carpet anemones were once only the purview of imagination and hearsay. Nowadays red carpet anemones do appear in the aquarium trade, even if they can cost as much as a full nano reef set up sometimes. All of the red…